Certificate of Biblical Dispensations 

Defining Dispensational Theology

Instructor: Daniel Abili

Have you ever wondered how to put all of the pieces together in the Bible? What applies to me directly and how do I make sure I interpret the Bible correctly? The answer lies in the historical approach to Bible Doctrine. Understanding the context of a given passage related to God’s plan for the ages will help you to sort things out. The Certificate of Biblical Dispensationalism program does just that.

TO GET STARTED: To get your free application AND free first class, simply send us your GMAIL address (not any email) address to info@DoctrineSeminary.org to get started. Tentative acceptance is automatic. Upon completion of your first term paper, you may decide to continue. Classes are pay-as-you go (only $99 per class). We believe that completing the Certificate of Biblical Doctrine will not only strengthen your faith but bring great blessing as you delve into the Word. Blessings!